============================================ Using the Kombilo engine in your own scripts ============================================ This document describes how to use the Kombilo database from your own Python scripts, enabling you to do all kinds of data mining on your SGF databases. Getting started =============== It is easiest to create some databases using Kombilo, and then just use the database files ``kombilo.d*`` (or first copy them somewhere). Then, a pattern search can be done in a few lines:: # set up the KEngine, load the database files K = KEngine() K.gamelist.DBlist.append({ 'sgfpath': '.', 'name':('.', 'kombilo1'), 'data': None, 'disabled': 0}) K.loadDBs() # let us check whether this worked print K.gamelist.noOfGames(), 'games in database.' # define a search pattern p = Pattern(''' ....... ....... ...X... ....X.. ...OX.. ...OO.. ....... ''', ptype=CORNER_NE_PATTERN, sizeX=7, sizeY=7) # start pattern search K.patternSearch(p) # print some information print K.patternSearchDetails() For a slightly extended example, see :py:mod:`basic_pattern_search`. Instead of appending items to ``K.gamelist.DBlist`` manually as above, you can also use the py:meth:`GameList.populateDBs` method, see e.g. :py:mod:`sgftree`. The scripts in the examples directory ===================================== basic_pattern_search.py ----------------------- .. automodule:: basic_pattern_search sgftree ------- .. automodule:: sgftree profiler -------- .. automodule:: profiler test_pattern_search ------------------- In this directory there are a couple of scripts which I used to test the pattern search for consistency. You can use them as starting points for your own scripts. final_position.py ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: final_position various_tests.py ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: various_tests API === The kombiloNG module -------------------- .. automodule:: kombiloNG :members: The sgf module -------------- .. automodule:: sgf :members: Libkombilo constants -------------------- Pattern types:: CORNER_NW_PATTERN CORNER_NE_PATTERN CORNER_SW_PATTERN CORNER_SE_PATTERN SIDE_N_PATTERN SIDE_W_PATTERN SIDE_E_PATTERN SIDE_S_PATTERN CENTER_PATTERN FULLBOARD_PATTERN Algorithms:: ALGO_FINALPOS ALGO_MOVELIST ALGO_HASH_CORNER ALGO_HASH_FULL Libkombilo ========== To study the underlying C++ library in detail, look at the `Libkombilo documentation `_. A good starting point is the ``cpptest.cpp`` program in ``lk/examples``.