------------ Introduction ------------ Kombilo is a go database program. Its particular strength is searching for move patterns in a collection of SGF files (like searching for all games where a particular opening or a particular joseki is played). You can also search for other properties of the game (like players, events, date, ...). .. image:: images/mainwindow.jpg Features ======== * You can search for full board patterns, or for patterns occurring in a corner, on the side or anywhere on the board. All patterns given by symmetries of the board are found as well, and also - unless you disable it - the pattern obtained by exchanging black and white. * Kombilo comes with a complete SGF editor: so you can add variations of your own, comment the game, add labels etc. The SGF editor can also handle collections, i.e. SGF files containing several games. The tree structure of the current game is shown in a separate window. You can rotate/mirror SGF files. * Kombilo has built in list of references to commentaries of games in the English go literature. (NB: Kombilo does not come with the game records, but recognizes the games by the Dyer signature.) Those games in your database which Kombilo finds in its list are marked in the game list, and in the game info a reference to the journal/book which has the commentary is given. Currently the list contains almost 2000 references, and includes references to the game commentaries in all issues of Go World, and in most English go books with game comentaries. * You can search for pieces of the *game information*, i.e. for player names, events, date, etc., and you can issue complex queries by directly accessing the underlying SQL database. * After any combination of searches, you can quickly have a *date profile* of the current list of games displayed. * You can refine pattern searches in many ways: by fixing who should move next in the search pattern, by allowing or disabling search for the pattern with black/white exchanged, by requiring that the pattern should occur before some specified point in the game (before move 50, say), by searching for move sequences, etc. By default, this version of Kombilo also searches in variations. The pattern search has been "parallelized" and hence can use several processor cores. Depending on your hardware, this results in a significant speed-up in comparison to older Kombilo versions. * In addition to the graphical user interface, there is an interface for using the underlying functionality of Kombilo within Python scripts, or as a C++ library. * Kombilo is free, and is open source. Your :ref:`contributions ` are welcome. Feel free to freely distribute it, and feel free to clone or fork the `project on BitBucket `_. I will be glad to consider patches you send me for inclusion into the Kombilo code. * Kombilo has been developed with tools that are available on all major operating systems (at least Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), *but the current version has only been tested on (Ubuntu) Linux*. Probably some twists will be required in order to get everything running smoothly on Windows and/or Mac OS X; your help will be much appreciated. * If you think some feature is missing, or if you found a bug, please open a ticket on BitBucket, or send me an email.